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Monday, February 6, 2012

Times They Are A Changin'

Hello Friends!

As we all know, I am not one for blogging. Never kept a journal growing up. Rarely liked to jot down my thoughts. It's been a few years (yes I said years) since I've posted anything on here. As you might have noticed, I am doing a bit of housekeeping. Cleaning up posts, some redecorating. My plan ... to post the fun, dorky side of Sarah.

A bit about me ... I am a crafter.  I prefer to stay inside and plot my next project; to sew, or quilt or knit or paint over worshiping that great big burning ball in the sky. What else would you expect?!? I was an Art major for goodness sakes!

Lately, I've become a fan of Pintrest. It gives me a chance to admire the crafty work of other. It allows me to make a list of project wants and needs. It gives me a chance to share with others what I do. I hope to use this blog as a way to share with my friends (perhaps event the world) the silly little things that my mind thinks up.

So, keep your eye on this space.